Source code for labgrid.driver.rawnetworkinterfacedriver

# pylint: disable=no-member
import contextlib
import json
import subprocess

import attr

from .common import Driver
from ..factory import target_factory
from ..step import step
from ..util.helper import processwrapper
from ..util.managedfile import ManagedFile
from ..resource.common import NetworkResource

[docs] @target_factory.reg_driver @attr.s(eq=False) class RawNetworkInterfaceDriver(Driver): bindings = { "iface": {"NetworkInterface", "RemoteNetworkInterface", "USBNetworkInterface"}, }
[docs] def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self._record_handle = None self._replay_handle = None
def _wrap_command(self, args): wrapper = ["sudo", "labgrid-raw-interface"] if self.iface.command_prefix: # add ssh prefix, convert command passed via ssh (including wrapper) to single argument return self.iface.command_prefix + [" ".join(wrapper + args)] else: # keep wrapper and args as-is return wrapper + args def _stop(self, proc, *, timeout=None): assert proc is not None try: _, err = proc.communicate(timeout=timeout) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: proc.terminate() _, err = proc.communicate() raise if proc.returncode: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( returncode=proc.returncode, cmd=proc.args, stderr=err, )
[docs] @Driver.check_active @step(args=["filename", "count"]) def start_record(self, filename, *, count=None): """ Starts tcpdump on bound network interface resource. Args: filename (str): name of a file to record to count (int): optional, exit after receiving this many number of packets Returns: Popen object of tcpdump process """ assert self._record_handle is None cmd = ["tcpdump", self.iface.ifname] if count is not None: cmd.append(str(count)) cmd = self._wrap_command(cmd) with open(filename, "wb") as outdata: self._record_handle = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=outdata, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return self._record_handle
[docs] @Driver.check_active @step(args=["timeout"]) def stop_record(self, *, timeout=None): """ Stops previously started tcpdump on bound network interface resource. Args: timeout (int): optional, maximum number of seconds to wait for the tcpdump process to terminate """ try: self._stop(self._record_handle, timeout=timeout) finally: self._record_handle = None
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def record(self, filename, *, count=None, timeout=None): """ Context manager to start/stop tcpdump on bound network interface resource. Either count or timeout must be specified. Args: filename (str): name of a file to record to count (int): optional, exit after receiving this many number of packets timeout (int): optional, maximum number of seconds to wait for the tcpdump process to terminate """ assert count or timeout try: yield self.start_record(filename, count=count) finally: self.stop_record(timeout=timeout)
[docs] @Driver.check_active @step(args=["filename"]) def start_replay(self, filename): """ Starts tcpreplay on bound network interface resource. Args: filename (str): name of a file to replay from Returns: Popen object of tcpreplay process """ assert self._replay_handle is None if isinstance(self.iface, NetworkResource): mf = ManagedFile(filename, self.iface) mf.sync_to_resource() cmd = self._wrap_command([f"tcpreplay {self.iface.ifname} < {mf.get_remote_path()}"]) self._replay_handle = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: cmd = self._wrap_command(["tcpreplay", self.iface.ifname]) with open(filename, "rb") as indata: self._replay_handle = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=indata) return self._replay_handle
[docs] @Driver.check_active @step(args=["timeout"]) def stop_replay(self, *, timeout=None): """ Stops previously started tcpreplay on bound network interface resource. Args: timeout (int): optional, maximum number of seconds to wait for the tcpreplay process to terminate """ try: self._stop(self._replay_handle, timeout=timeout) finally: self._replay_handle = None
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def replay(self, filename, *, timeout=None): """ Context manager to start/stop tcpreplay on bound network interface resource. Args: filename (str): name of a file to replay from timeout (int): optional, maximum number of seconds to wait for the tcpreplay process to terminate """ try: yield self.start_replay(filename) finally: self.stop_replay(timeout=timeout)
[docs] @Driver.check_active @step() def get_statistics(self): """ Returns basic interface statistics of bound network interface resource. """ cmd = self.iface.command_prefix + [ "ip", "--json", "-stats", "-stats", "link", "show", self.iface.ifname] output = processwrapper.check_output(cmd) return json.loads(output)[0]
[docs] @Driver.check_active def get_address(self): """ Returns the MAC address of the bound network interface resource. """ return self.get_statistics()["address"]