Source code for

import abc
import atexit
import logging
import sys
from time import monotonic, sleep

import attr

from .binding import BindingError, BindingState
from .driver import Driver
from .exceptions import NoSupplierFoundError, NoDriverFoundError, NoResourceFoundError, NoStrategyFoundError
from .resource import Resource
from .strategy import Strategy
from .util import Timeout
from .factory import target_factory

[docs]@attr.s(eq=False) class Target: name = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str)) env = attr.ib(default=None)
[docs] def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.log = logging.getLogger(f"target({})") self.resources = [] self.drivers = [] self.last_update = 0.0 # This should really be an argument for Drivers, but currently attrs # doesn't support keyword only agruments, so we can't add an optional # argument at the BindingMixin level. # self._binding_map = {} self._lookup_table = { Strategy.__name__: Strategy, } atexit.register(self._atexit_cleanup)
[docs] def interact(self, msg): if self.env: self.env.interact(f"{}: {msg}") else: input(msg)
[docs] def update_resources(self): """ Iterate over all relevant resources and deactivate any active but unavailable resources. """ if (monotonic() - self.last_update) < 0.1: return self.last_update = monotonic() for resource in self.resources: resource.poll() if not resource.avail and resource.state is deactivated = self.deactivate(resource) deactivated.remove(resource) if deactivated:"deactivating unavailable resource %s used by %s", resource.display_name, ", ".join(d.display_name for d in deactivated) ) else: self.log.debug("deactivating unavailable resource %s (unused)", resource.display_name) # pylint: disable=line-too-long
[docs] def await_resources(self, resources, timeout=None, avail=True): """ Poll the given resources and wait until they are (un-)available. Args: resources (List): the resources to poll timeout (float): optional timeout avail (bool): optionally wait until the resources are unavailable with avail=False """ self.update_resources() waiting = set(r for r in resources if r.avail != avail) static = set(r for r in waiting if r.get_managed_parent() is None) if static: raise NoResourceFoundError( f"Static resources are not {'available' if avail else 'unavailable'}: {static}" ) if not waiting: return if timeout is None: timeout = Timeout(max(resource.get_managed_parent().timeout for resource in waiting)) else: timeout = Timeout(timeout) while waiting and not timeout.expired: waiting = set(r for r in waiting if r.avail != avail) for r in waiting: r.poll() if not any(r for r in waiting if r.avail == avail): # sleep if no progress sleep(0.5) if waiting: raise NoResourceFoundError( f"Not all resources are {'available' if avail else 'unavailable'}: {waiting}", filter=waiting ) self.update_resources()
[docs] def get_resource(self, cls, *, name=None, wait_avail=True): """ Helper function to get a resource of the target. Returns the first valid resource found, otherwise a NoResourceFoundError is raised. Arguments: cls -- resource-class to return as a resource name -- optional name to use as a filter wait_avail -- wait for the resource to become available (default True) """ found = [] other_names = [] default = None if isinstance(cls, str): cls = target_factory.class_from_string(cls) for res in self.resources: if not isinstance(res, cls): continue if == "default": default = res if name and != name: other_names.append( continue found.append(res) # if no explicit resource name is requested and a "default" resource was saved and # multiple resources were found, use the default resource if not name and default and len(found) != 1: found = [default] if not found: name_msg = f" named '{name}'" if name else "" if other_names: raise NoResourceFoundError( f"no {cls} resource{name_msg} found in {self}, matching resources with other names: {other_names}" # pylint: disable=line-too-long ) raise NoResourceFoundError( f"no {cls} resource{name_msg} found in {self}" ) elif len(found) > 1: raise NoResourceFoundError( f"multiple resources matching {cls} found in {self}", found=found ) if wait_avail: self.await_resources(found) return found[0]
def _get_driver(self, cls, *, name=None, activate=True, active=False): assert not (activate is True and active is True) found = [] other_names = [] if isinstance(cls, str): cls = target_factory.class_from_string(cls) for drv in self.drivers: if not isinstance(drv, cls): continue if name and != name: other_names.append( continue if active and drv.state != continue found.append(drv) if not found: name_msg = f" named '{name}'" if name else "" if other_names: raise NoDriverFoundError( "no {active}{cls} driver{name} found in {target}, matching resources with other names: {other_names}".format( # pylint: disable=line-too-long active="active " if active else "", cls=cls, name=name_msg, target=self, other_names=other_names) ) raise NoDriverFoundError( f"no {'active ' if active else ''}{cls} driver{name_msg} found in {self}" ) elif len(found) > 1: prio_last = -255 prio_found = [] for drv in found: prio = drv.get_priority(cls) if prio > prio_last: prio_found = [] prio_found.append(drv) prio_last = prio elif prio == prio_last: prio_found.append(drv) if len(prio_found) == 1: found = prio_found else: raise NoDriverFoundError( "multiple {active}drivers matching {cls} found in {target} with the same priorities".format( # pylint: disable=line-too-long active="active " if active else "", cls=cls, target=self) ) if activate: self.activate(found[0]) return found[0]
[docs] def get_active_driver(self, cls, *, name=None): """ Helper function to get the active driver of the target. Returns the active driver found, otherwise None. Arguments: cls -- driver-class to return as a resource name -- optional name to use as a filter """ return self._get_driver(cls, name=name, activate=False, active=True)
[docs] def get_driver(self, cls, *, name=None, activate=True): """ Helper function to get a driver of the target. Returns the first valid driver found, otherwise None. Arguments: cls -- driver-class to return as a resource name -- optional name to use as a filter activate -- activate the driver (default True) """ return self._get_driver(cls, name=name, activate=activate)
[docs] def get_strategy(self): """ Helper function to get the strategy of the target. Returns the Strategy, if exactly one exists and raises a NoStrategyFoundError otherwise. """ found = [] for drv in self.drivers: if not isinstance(drv, Strategy): continue found.append(drv) if not found: raise NoStrategyFoundError(f"no Strategy found in {self}") elif len(found) > 1: raise NoStrategyFoundError(f"multiple Strategies found in {self}") return found[0]
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Syntactic sugar to access drivers by class (optionally filtered by name). >>> from labgrid import Target >>> from labgrid.driver.fake import FakeConsoleDriver >>> >>> target = Target('main') >>> console = FakeConsoleDriver(target, 'console') >>> target.activate(console) >>> target[FakeConsoleDriver] FakeConsoleDriver(target=Target(name='main', env=None), name='console', state=< 2>, txdelay=0.0) >>> target[FakeConsoleDriver, 'console'] FakeConsoleDriver(target=Target(name='main', env=None), name='console', state=< 2>, txdelay=0.0) """ name = None if not isinstance(key, tuple): cls = key elif len(key) == 2: cls, name = key if isinstance(cls, str): cls = target_factory.class_from_string(cls) if not issubclass(cls, (Driver, abc.ABC)): # all Protocols derive from ABC raise NoDriverFoundError( f"invalid driver class {cls}" ) return self.get_active_driver(cls, name=name)
[docs] def set_binding_map(self, mapping): """ Configure the binding name mapping for the next driver only. """ self._binding_map = mapping
[docs] def bind_resource(self, resource): """ Bind the resource to this target. """ if resource.state is not BindingState.idle: raise BindingError( f"{resource} is not in state {BindingState.idle}" ) # consistency check assert isinstance(resource, Resource) assert not resource.bindings assert resource not in self.resources assert is None # update state self.resources.append(resource) # update lookup table self._lookup_table[resource.__class__.__name__] = resource.__class__ = self resource.state = BindingState.bound
[docs] def bind_driver(self, client): """ Bind the driver to all suppliers (resources and other drivers). Currently, we only support binding all suppliers at once. """ if client.state is not BindingState.idle: raise BindingError( f"{client} is not in state {BindingState.idle}" ) # consistency check assert isinstance(client, Driver) assert client not in self.drivers assert is None mapping = self._binding_map self._binding_map = {} # locate suppliers bound_suppliers = [] bound_req_pairs = set() for name, requirements in client.bindings.items(): explicit = False if isinstance(requirements, Driver.NamedBinding): requirements = requirements.value explicit = True supplier_name = mapping.pop(name, None) if explicit and supplier_name is None: raise BindingError( f"supplier for {name} ({requirements}) of {client} in {self} requires an explicit name" # pylint: disable=line-too-long ) # use sets even for a single requirement and make a local copy if not isinstance(requirements, set): requirements = {requirements} else: requirements = requirements.copy() # None indicates that the binding is optional optional = None in requirements requirements.discard(None) errors = [] suppliers = [] for requirement in requirements: # convert class name string to classes if isinstance(requirement, str): requirement = target_factory.class_from_string(requirement) try: if issubclass(requirement, Resource): suppliers.append( self.get_resource(requirement, name=supplier_name, wait_avail=False), ) elif issubclass(requirement, (Driver, abc.ABC)): # all Protocols derive from ABC suppliers.append( self.get_driver(requirement, name=supplier_name, activate=False), ) else: raise NoSupplierFoundError(f"invalid binding type {requirement}") except NoSupplierFoundError as e: errors.append(e) if not suppliers: if optional: supplier = None elif len(errors) == 1: raise errors[0] else: raise NoSupplierFoundError( f"no supplier matching {requirements} found in {self} (errors: {errors})" ) elif len(suppliers) > 1: raise NoSupplierFoundError(f"conflicting suppliers matching {requirements} found in target {self}") # pylint: disable=line-too-long else: supplier = suppliers[0] if supplier is not None and (requirement, supplier) in bound_req_pairs: raise BindingError( f"duplicate bindings of {supplier} to {name} for {requirement} found in target {self}" # pylint: disable=line-too-long ) bound_req_pairs.add((requirement, supplier)) setattr(client, name, supplier) if supplier is not None: bound_suppliers.append(supplier) # consistency checks for supplier in bound_suppliers: assert is self assert client not in supplier.clients assert supplier not in client.suppliers # make sure drivers consume all given bindings if mapping and not isinstance(client, Strategy): raise BindingError( f"{client} got unexpected bindings: {list(mapping.keys())}" ) # update relationship in both directions self.drivers.append(client) # update lookup table cls = client.__class__ self._lookup_table[cls.__name__] = cls for c in cls.mro(): if abc.ABC in c.mro(): self._lookup_table[c.__name__] = c = self for supplier in bound_suppliers: supplier.clients.add(client) client.suppliers.add(supplier) client.on_supplier_bound(supplier) supplier.on_client_bound(client) client.state = BindingState.bound
[docs] def bind(self, bindable): if isinstance(bindable, Resource): return self.bind_resource(bindable) if isinstance(bindable, Driver): return self.bind_driver(bindable) raise BindingError(f"object {bindable} is not bindable")
[docs] def activate(self, client, name=None): """ Activate the client by activating all bound suppliers. This may require deactivating other clients. """ # don't activate strategies, they usually have conflicting bindings if isinstance(client, Strategy): return if isinstance(client, str): cls = target_factory.class_from_string(client) client = self._get_driver(cls, name=name, activate=False, active=False) assert client is not None if client.state is return # nothing to do if client.state is not BindingState.bound: raise BindingError( f"{client} is not in state {BindingState.bound}" ) # consistency check assert client in self.resources or client in self.drivers # wait until resources are available resources = [resource for resource in client.suppliers if isinstance(resource, Resource)] self.await_resources(resources) # activate recursively and resolve conflicts for supplier in client.suppliers: if supplier.state is not self.activate(supplier) supplier.resolve_conflicts(client) # update state client.on_activate() client.state =
[docs] def deactivate(self, client, name=None): """ Recursively deactivate the client's clients and itself. This is needed to ensure that no client has an inactive supplier. Returns the list of all objects that were deactivated """ if isinstance(client, str): cls = target_factory.class_from_string(client) client = self._get_driver(cls, name=name, activate=False, active=True) assert client is not None if client.state is BindingState.bound: return [] # nothing to do if client.state is not raise BindingError( f"{client} is not in state {}" ) # consistency check assert client in self.resources or client in self.drivers deactivated = [client] for cli in client.clients: deactivated.extend(self.deactivate(cli)) # update state client.on_deactivate() client.state = BindingState.bound return deactivated
[docs] def deactivate_all_drivers(self): """Deactivates all drivers in reversed order they were activated""" for drv in reversed(self.drivers): self.deactivate(drv)
def _atexit_cleanup(self): try: self.cleanup() except Exception as e: print("An exception occured during cleanup, call the cleanup() " "method on targets yourself to handle exceptions explictly.", file=sys.stderr) print(f"Error: {e}", file=sys.stderr) import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
[docs] def export(self): """ Export information from drivers. All drivers are deactivated before being exported, unless their skip_deactivate_on_export property is true. The Strategy can decide for which driver the export method is called and with which name. Otherwise, all drivers are exported. """ try: name_map = self.get_strategy().prepare_export() selection = set(name_map.keys()) except NoStrategyFoundError: name_map = {} selection = set(driver for driver in self.drivers if not isinstance(driver, Strategy)) assert len(name_map) == len(set(name_map.values())), "duplicate export name" # drivers may need to be deactivated for export to avoid conflicts for drv in reversed(self.drivers): if not drv.skip_deactivate_on_export: self.deactivate(drv) export_vars = {} for driver in selection: name = name_map.get(driver) if not name: name = driver.get_export_name() for k, v in driver.get_export_vars().items(): assert isinstance(k, str), f"key {k} from {driver} is not a string" assert isinstance(v, str), f"value {v} for key {k} from {driver} is not a string" export_vars[f"LG__{name}_{k}".upper()] = v return export_vars
[docs] def cleanup(self): """Clean up connected drivers and resources in reversed order""" self.deactivate_all_drivers() for res in reversed(self.resources): self.deactivate(res)