Source code for labgrid.external.usbstick

"""The USBStick module provides support to interactively use a simulated USB
device in a test."""
import enum
import os

import attr

from ..exceptions import NoDriverFoundError
from ..protocol import CommandProtocol, FileTransferProtocol
from ..step import step

[docs]class USBStatus(enum.Enum): """This class describes the USBStick Status""" unplugged = 0 plugged = 1 mounted = 2
[docs]class USBStick(object): """The USBStick class provides an easy to use interface to describe a target as an USB Stick.""" target = attr.ib() image_dir = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str)) image_name = attr.ib(default="", validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str)) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.command = #pylint: disable=no-member CommandProtocol ) self.fileservice = #pylint: disable=no-member FileTransferProtocol ) if not self.command: raise NoDriverFoundError( "Target has no {} Driver".format(CommandProtocol) ) self.fileservice = #pylint: disable=no-member FileTransferProtocol ) #pylint: disable=no-member if not self.fileservice: raise NoDriverFoundError( "Target has no {} Driver".format(FileTransferProtocol) ) self.status = USBStatus.unplugged self._images = [] if self.image_name: self._images.append(os.path.basename(self.image_name)) @step()
[docs] def plug_in(self): """Insert the USBStick This function plugs the virtual USB Stick in, making it available to the connected computer.""" if not self.image_name: raise StateError("No Image selected, please upload and select an image") if self.status == USBStatus.unplugged: self.command.run_check( "modprobe g_mass_storage file={dir}{image}".format( dir=self.image_dir, image=self.image_name ) ) self.status = USBStatus.plugged
[docs] def plug_out(self): """Plugs out the USBStick Plugs out the USBStick from the connected computer, does nothing if it is already unplugged""" if self.status == USBStatus.plugged: self.command.run_check("modprobe -r g_mass_storage") self.status = USBStatus.unplugged
@step(args=['filename', 'destination'])
[docs] def put_file(self, filename, destination=""): """Put a file onto the USBStick Image Puts a file onto the USB Stick, raises a StateError if it is not mounted on the host computer.""" if not destination: destination = os.path.basename(filename) if self.status != USBStatus.unplugged: raise StateError("Device still plugged in, can't upload image") self.command.run_check( "losetup -Pf {}/{}".format(self.image_dir, self.image_name) ) self.command.run_check("mount /dev/loop0p1 /mnt/") self.fileservice.put( filename, "/mnt/{dest}".format( dest=destination ) ) self.command.run_check("umount /mnt/") self.command.run_check("losetup -D")
[docs] def get_file(self, filename): """Gets a file from the USBStick Image Gets a file from the USB Stick, raises a StateError if it is not mounted on the host computer.""" if self.status != USBStatus.unplugged: raise StateError("Device still plugged in, can't upload image") self.command.run_check( "losetup -Pf {}/{}".format(self.image_dir, self.image_name) ) self.command.run_check("mount /dev/loop0p1 /mnt/") self.fileservice.get( "/mnt/{filename}".format( filename=filename ) ) self.command.run_check("umount /mnt/") self.command.run_check("losetup -D")
[docs] def upload_image(self, image): """Upload a complete image as a new USB Stick This replaces the current USB Stick image, storing it permanently on the RiotBoard.""" if self.status != USBStatus.unplugged: raise StateError("Device still plugged in, can't insert new image") self.fileservice.put(image, self.image_dir) self._images.append(os.path.basename(image))
[docs] def switch_image(self, image_name): """Switch between already uploaded images on the target.""" if self.status != USBStatus.unplugged: raise StateError("Device still plugged in, can't switch to different image") if image_name not in self._images: raise StateError("No such Image available")"umount /mnt/")"losetup -D") self.image_name = image_name
[docs]class StateError(Exception): """Exception which indicates a error in the state handling of the test""" msg = attr.ib()