Source code for labgrid.strategy.graphstrategy

from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import os

from .common import Strategy, StrategyError
from ..step import step

__all__ = [

[docs]class GraphStrategyError(StrategyError): """Generic GraphStrategy error""" pass
[docs]class InvalidGraphStrategyError(GraphStrategyError): """GraphStrategy error raised during initialization of broken strategies""" pass
[docs]class GraphStrategyRuntimeError(GraphStrategyError): """GraphStrategy error raised during runtime when used in unintended ways""" pass
[docs]class GraphStrategy(Strategy):
[docs] def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self.__transition_running = False # find states self.states = {} for state_name in dir(self): if not state_name.startswith('state_'): continue method = getattr(self, state_name) if not callable(method): raise InvalidGraphStrategyError( "GraphStrategy state '{}' is not callable".format( state_name, ) ) state_name = '_'.join(state_name.split('_')[1:]) self.states[state_name] = { 'method': step()(method), 'dependencies': getattr(method, 'dependencies', []), } if not self.states: raise InvalidGraphStrategyError( 'GraphStrategies without states are invalid') # check dependencies state_names = self.states.keys() for state_name in state_names: for dependency in self.states[state_name]['dependencies']: if dependency not in state_names: raise InvalidGraphStrategyError( "{}: State '{}' is unknown. State names are: {}".format( state_name, dependency, ', '.join(state_names), ) ) # find root state root_states = [k for k, v in self.states.items() if not v['dependencies']] if not root_states: raise InvalidGraphStrategyError( 'GraphStrategies without root state are invalid') # check check if exact one root state is defined if len(root_states) > 1: raise InvalidGraphStrategyError( 'Only one root state supported. Defined root states: {}'.format( # NOQA ', '.join(root_states), ) ) self.root_state = root_states[0] self.invalidate() # setup grahviz cache self._graph_cache = { 'tempdir': None, 'graph': None, 'path': self.path, }
[docs] def invalidate(self): """ Marks the path to the current state as out-of-date. Subsequent transition() calls will start from the root state. Will be called if exceptions in state methods occur. """ self.path = [] # deactivate all drivers to restore initial state
[docs] @step(args=['state']) def transition(self, state, via=None): """ Computes the path from root state (via "via" state, if given) to given state. If the computed path is fully incremental to the path executed previously, only the state's methods relative to the previous path are executed. Otherwise all states' methods of the computed path (starting from the root node) are executed. """ if not isinstance(via, (type(None), list)): raise GraphStrategyRuntimeError( "'via' has to be a list or None" ) # for use with labgrid-client -s, if only state is set, try to extract # the via states if ':' in state and via is None: state, via = state.split(':') via = via.split(',') via = via or [] try: # check if another transition is running if self.__transition_running: raise GraphStrategyRuntimeError( 'Another transition is already running') # lock transition self.__transition_running = True # check if state is known if state not in self.states: raise GraphStrategyRuntimeError( "Unknown state '{}'. State names are: {}".format( state, ', '.join(self.states.keys()), ) ) # find path abs_path = self.find_abs_path(state, via=via) if abs_path == self.path: return [] path = self.find_rel_path(abs_path) # run state methods for state_name in path: if state_name == self.root_state: # deactivate drivers before root state method is called try: self.states[state_name]['method']() except Exception: self.invalidate() raise self.path = abs_path return path finally: # unlock transition self.__transition_running = False
[docs] def find_abs_path(self, state, via=None): """ Computes the absolute path from the root state, via "via" (if given), to the given state. """ via = via or [] via = via[::-1] path = [state, ] current_state = self.states[state] for via_state in via: if via_state not in self.states.keys(): raise GraphStrategyRuntimeError( "Unknown state '{}' in via. State names are: {}".format( via_state, ', '.join(self.states.keys()), ) ) while current_state['dependencies']: next_state = current_state['dependencies'][0] for i in via: if i in current_state['dependencies']: via.remove(i) next_state = i path.insert(0, next_state) current_state = self.states[next_state] # no via states should be left now if via: raise GraphStrategyRuntimeError( "Path to '{}' via {} does not exist".format( state, ', '.join(["'{}'".format(v) for v in via]) ) ) return path
[docs] def find_rel_path(self, path): """ If the given path is fully incremental to the path executed before, returns the path relative to the previously executed one. Otherwise the given path is returned. """ if path[:-(len(path) - len(self.path))] == self.path: return path[len(self.path):] return path
@property def graph(self): """ Returns a graphviz.Digraph for the directed graph the inerhiting strategy represents. The graph can be rendered with: ``mystrategy.graph.render("filename") # renders to filename.png`` """ from graphviz import Digraph if(self._graph_cache['graph'] and self._graph_cache['path'] == self.path): return self._graph_cache['graph'] if not self._graph_cache['tempdir']: self._graph_cache['tempdir'] = TemporaryDirectory() dg = Digraph( filename=os.path.join(self._graph_cache['tempdir'].name, 'graph'), format='png', ) edges = [] dg.attr('node', style='filled', fillcolor='lightblue2', penwidth='1') dg.attr('edge', style='solid') for index, node_name in enumerate(self.path): attrs = {} if node_name == self.path[-1]: attrs = {'penwidth': '2'} dg.node(node_name, **attrs) if index < len(self.path) - 1: edges.append((node_name, self.path[index + 1], )) dg.edge(*edges[-1]) dg.attr('node', style='filled', color='lightgrey', fillcolor='lightgrey') dg.attr('edge', style='dashed', arrowhead='empty') for node_name in self.states: if node_name not in self.path: dg.node(node_name) for edge in self.states[node_name]['dependencies']: if (edge, node_name, ) in edges: continue dg.edge(edge, node_name) self._graph_cache['graph'] = dg return dg
[docs] @classmethod def depends(cls, *dependencies): """``@depends`` decorator used to list states the decorated state directly depends on.""" def decorator(function): function.dependencies = list(dependencies) return function return decorator