Source code for labgrid.remote.coordinator

"""The coordinator module coordinates exported resources and clients accessing them."""
# pylint: disable=no-member,unused-argument
import asyncio
import traceback
from collections import defaultdict
from os import environ
from pprint import pprint
from enum import Enum
from functools import wraps

import attr
import yaml
from autobahn import wamp
from autobahn.asyncio.wamp import ApplicationRunner, ApplicationSession
from autobahn.wamp.types import RegisterOptions

from .common import *
from .scheduler import TagSet, schedule
from ..util import atomic_replace

[docs]class Action(Enum): ADD = 0 DEL = 1 UPD = 2
[docs]@attr.s(init=False, eq=False) class RemoteSession: """class encapsulating a session, used by ExporterSession and ClientSession""" coordinator = attr.ib() session = attr.ib() authid = attr.ib() version = attr.ib(default="unknown", init=False) @property def key(self): """Key of the session""" return self.session @property def name(self): """Name of the session""" return self.authid.split('/', 1)[1]
[docs]@attr.s(eq=False) class ExporterSession(RemoteSession): """An ExporterSession is opened for each Exporter connecting to the coordinator, allowing the Exporter to get and set resources""" groups = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(dict), init=False)
[docs] def set_resource(self, groupname, resourcename, resourcedata): group = self.groups.setdefault(groupname, {}) old = group.get(resourcename) if resourcedata and old: old.update(resourcedata) new = old elif resourcedata and not old: new = group[resourcename] = ResourceImport( resourcedata, path=(, groupname, resourcedata['cls'], resourcename) ) elif not resourcedata and old: new = None del group[resourcename] else: assert not resourcedata and not old new = None self.coordinator.publish( 'org.labgrid.coordinator.resource_changed',, groupname, resourcename, new.asdict() if new else {} ) if old and new: assert old is new return Action.UPD, new elif old and not new: return Action.DEL, old elif not old and new: return Action.ADD, new assert not old and not new
[docs] def get_resources(self): """Method invoked by the client, get the resources from the coordinator""" result = {} for groupname, group in self.groups.items(): result_group = result[groupname] = {} for resourcename, resource in group.items(): result_group[resourcename] = resource.asdict() return result
[docs]@attr.s(eq=False) class ClientSession(RemoteSession): pass
[docs]@attr.s(eq=False) class ResourceImport(ResourceEntry): """Represents a local resource exported from an exporter. The ResourceEntry attributes contain the information for the client. """ path = attr.ib(kw_only=True, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(tuple))
[docs]def locked(func): @wraps(func) async def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): async with self.lock: return await func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
class CoordinatorComponent(ApplicationSession): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.lock = asyncio.Lock() @locked async def onConnect(self): self.sessions = {} self.places = {} self.reservations = {} self.poll_task = None self.save_scheduled = False self.load() self.save_later() enable_tcp_nodelay(self) self.join(self.config.realm, ["ticket"], "coordinator") def onChallenge(self, challenge): return "dummy-ticket" @locked async def onJoin(self, details): await self.subscribe(self.on_session_join, 'wamp.session.on_join') await self.subscribe( self.on_session_leave, 'wamp.session.on_leave' ) await self.register( self.attach, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.attach', options=RegisterOptions(details_arg='details') ) # resources await self.register( self.set_resource, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.set_resource', options=RegisterOptions(details_arg='details') ) await self.register( self.get_resources, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.get_resources' ) # places await self.register( self.add_place, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.add_place' ) await self.register( self.del_place, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.del_place' ) await self.register( self.add_place_alias, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.add_place_alias' ) await self.register( self.del_place_alias, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.del_place_alias' ) await self.register( self.set_place_tags, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.set_place_tags' ) await self.register( self.set_place_comment, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.set_place_comment' ) await self.register( self.add_place_match, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.add_place_match' ) await self.register( self.del_place_match, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.del_place_match' ) await self.register( self.acquire_place, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.acquire_place', options=RegisterOptions(details_arg='details') ) await self.register( self.release_place, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.release_place', options=RegisterOptions(details_arg='details') ) await self.register( self.allow_place, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.allow_place', options=RegisterOptions(details_arg='details') ) await self.register( self.get_places, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.get_places' ) # reservations await self.register( self.create_reservation, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.create_reservation', options=RegisterOptions(details_arg='details'), ) await self.register( self.cancel_reservation, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.cancel_reservation', ) await self.register( self.poll_reservation, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.poll_reservation', ) await self.register( self.get_reservations, 'org.labgrid.coordinator.get_reservations', ) self.poll_task = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(self.poll()) print("Coordinator ready.") @locked async def onLeave(self, details): await if self.poll_task: self.poll_task.cancel() await asyncio.wait([self.poll_task]) super().onLeave(details) @locked async def onDisconnect(self): await if self.poll_task: self.poll_task.cancel() await asyncio.wait([self.poll_task]) await asyncio.sleep(0.5) # give others a chance to clean up async def _poll_step(self): # save changes if self.save_scheduled: await # poll exporters for session in list(self.sessions.values()): if isinstance(session, ExporterSession): fut = f'org.labgrid.exporter.{}.version' ) done, _ = await asyncio.wait([fut], timeout=5) if not done: print(f'kicking exporter ({session.key}/{})') await'wamp.session.kill', session.key, message="timeout detected by coordinator") print(f'cleaning up exporter ({session.key}/{})') await self.on_session_leave(session.key) print(f'removed exporter ({session.key}/{})') continue try: session.version = done.pop().result() except wamp.exception.ApplicationError as e: if e.error == "wamp.error.no_such_procedure": pass # old client elif e.error == "wamp.error.canceled": pass # disconnected elif e.error == "wamp.error.no_such_session": pass # client has already disconnected else: raise # update reservations self.schedule_reservations() async def poll(self): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() while not loop.is_closed(): try: await asyncio.sleep(15.0) await self._poll_step() except asyncio.CancelledError: break except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except traceback.print_exc() def save_later(self): self.save_scheduled = True async def save(self): self.save_scheduled = False resources = self._get_resources() resources = yaml.dump(resources, default_flow_style=False) resources = resources.encode() places = self._get_places() places = yaml.dump(places, default_flow_style=False) places = places.encode() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() await loop.run_in_executor(None, atomic_replace, 'resources.yaml', resources) await loop.run_in_executor(None, atomic_replace, 'places.yaml', places) def load(self): try: = {} with open('places.yaml', 'r') as f: self.places = yaml.load( for placename, config in self.places.items(): config['name'] = placename # FIXME maybe recover previously acquired places here? if 'acquired' in config: del config['acquired'] if 'acquired_resources' in config: del config['acquired_resources'] if 'allowed' in config: del config['allowed'] if 'reservation' in config: del config['reservation'] config['matches'] = [ResourceMatch(**match) for match in config['matches']] place = Place(**config) self.places[placename] = place except FileNotFoundError: pass def _add_default_place(self, name): if name in self.places: return if not name.isdigit(): return place = Place(name) print(place) place.matches.append(ResourceMatch(exporter="*", group=name, cls="*")) self.places[name] = place async def _update_acquired_places(self, action, resource, callback=True): """Update acquired places when resources are added or removed.""" if action not in [Action.ADD, Action.DEL]: return # currently nothing needed for Action.UPD # collect affected places places = [] for place in self.places.values(): if not place.acquired: continue if not place.hasmatch(resource.path): continue places.append(place) if action is Action.ADD: # only add if there is no conflict if len(places) != 1: return place = places[0] await self._acquire_resources(place, [resource]) self._publish_place(place) else: for place in places: await self._release_resources(place, [resource], callback=callback) self._publish_place(place) def _publish_place(self, place): self.publish( 'org.labgrid.coordinator.place_changed',, place.asdict() ) def _publish_resource(self, resource): self.publish( 'org.labgrid.coordinator.resource_changed', resource.path[0], # exporter name resource.path[1], # group name resource.path[3], # resource name resource.asdict(), ) @locked async def on_session_join(self, session_details): print('join') pprint(session_details) session = session_details['session'] authid = session_details['authid'] if authid.startswith('client/'): session = ClientSession(self, session, authid) elif authid.startswith('exporter/'): session = ExporterSession(self, session, authid) else: return self.sessions[session.key] = session @locked async def on_session_leave(self, session_id): print(f'leave ({session_id})') try: session = self.sessions.pop(session_id) except KeyError: return if isinstance(session, ExporterSession): for groupname, group in session.groups.items(): for resourcename in group.copy(): action, resource = session.set_resource(groupname, resourcename, {}) await self._update_acquired_places(action, resource, callback=False) # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable self.save_later() @locked async def attach(self, name, details=None): # TODO check if name is in use session = self.sessions[details.caller] session_details = self.sessions[session] session_details['name'] = name self.exporters[name] = defaultdict(dict) # not @locked because set_resource my be triggered by a acquire() call to # an exporter, leading to a deadlock on acquire_place() async def set_resource(self, groupname, resourcename, resourcedata, details=None): """Called by exporter to create/update/remove resources.""" session = self.sessions.get(details.caller) if session is None: return assert isinstance(session, ExporterSession) groupname = str(groupname) resourcename = str(resourcename) # TODO check if acquired print(details) pprint(resourcedata) action, resource = session.set_resource(groupname, resourcename, resourcedata) if action is Action.ADD: async with self.lock: self._add_default_place(groupname) if action in (Action.ADD, Action.DEL): async with self.lock: await self._update_acquired_places(action, resource) # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable self.save_later() def _get_resources(self): result = {} for session in self.sessions.values(): if isinstance(session, ExporterSession): result[] = session.get_resources() return result @locked async def get_resources(self, details=None): return self._get_resources() @locked async def add_place(self, name, details=None): if not name or not isinstance(name, str): return False if name in self.places: return False place = Place(name) self.places[name] = place self._publish_place(place) self.save_later() return True @locked async def del_place(self, name, details=None): if not name or not isinstance(name, str): return False if name not in self.places: return False del self.places[name] self.publish( 'org.labgrid.coordinator.place_changed', name, {} ) self.save_later() return True @locked async def add_place_alias(self, placename, alias, details=None): try: place = self.places[placename] except KeyError: return False place.aliases.add(alias) place.touch() self._publish_place(place) self.save_later() return True @locked async def del_place_alias(self, placename, alias, details=None): try: place = self.places[placename] except KeyError: return False try: place.aliases.remove(alias) except ValueError: return False place.touch() self._publish_place(place) self.save_later() return True @locked async def set_place_tags(self, placename, tags, details=None): try: place = self.places[placename] except KeyError: return False assert isinstance(tags, dict) for k, v in tags.items(): assert isinstance(k, str) assert isinstance(v, str) if not TAG_KEY.match(k): return False if not TAG_VAL.match(v): return False for k, v in tags.items(): if not v: try: del place.tags[k] except KeyError: pass else: place.tags[k] = v place.touch() self._publish_place(place) self.save_later() return True @locked async def set_place_comment(self, placename, comment, details=None): try: place = self.places[placename] except KeyError: return False place.comment = comment place.touch() self._publish_place(place) self.save_later() return True @locked async def add_place_match(self, placename, pattern, rename=None, details=None): try: place = self.places[placename] except KeyError: return False match = ResourceMatch(*pattern.split('/'), rename=rename) if match in place.matches: return False place.matches.append(match) place.touch() self._publish_place(place) self.save_later() return True @locked async def del_place_match(self, placename, pattern, rename=None, details=None): try: place = self.places[placename] except KeyError: return False match = ResourceMatch(*pattern.split('/'), rename=rename) try: place.matches.remove(match) except ValueError: return False place.touch() self._publish_place(place) self.save_later() return True async def _acquire_resources(self, place, resources): resources = resources.copy() # we may modify the list # all resources need to be free for resource in resources: if resource.acquired: return False # acquire resources acquired = [] try: for resource in resources: # this triggers an update from the exporter which is published # to the clients await'org.labgrid.exporter.{resource.path[0]}.acquire', resource.path[1], resource.path[3], acquired.append(resource) except: print(f"failed to acquire {resource}") # cleanup await self._release_resources(place, acquired) return False for resource in resources: place.acquired_resources.append(resource) return True async def _release_resources(self, place, resources, callback=True): resources = resources.copy() # we may modify the list for resource in resources: try: place.acquired_resources.remove(resource) except ValueError: pass for resource in resources: try: # this triggers an update from the exporter which is published # to the clients if callback: await'org.labgrid.exporter.{resource.path[0]}.release', resource.path[1], resource.path[3]) except: print(f"failed to release {resource}") # at leaset try to notify the clients try: self._publish_resource(resource) except: pass @locked async def acquire_place(self, name, details=None): print(details) try: place = self.places[name] except KeyError: return False if place.acquired: return False if place.reservation: res = self.reservations[place.reservation] if not res.owner == self.sessions[details.caller].name: return False # FIXME use the session object instead? or something else which # survives disconnecting clients? place.acquired = self.sessions[details.caller].name resources = [] for _, session in sorted(self.sessions.items()): if not isinstance(session, ExporterSession): continue for _, group in sorted(session.groups.items()): for _, resource in sorted(group.items()): if not place.hasmatch(resource.path): continue resources.append(resource) if not await self._acquire_resources(place, resources): # revert earlier change place.acquired = None return False place.touch() self._publish_place(place) self.save_later() self.schedule_reservations() return True @locked async def release_place(self, name, details=None): print(details) try: place = self.places[name] except KeyError: return False if not place.acquired: return False await self._release_resources(place, place.acquired_resources) place.acquired = None place.allowed = set() place.touch() self._publish_place(place) self.save_later() self.schedule_reservations() return True @locked async def allow_place(self, name, user, details=None): try: place = self.places[name] except KeyError: return False if not place.acquired: return False if not place.acquired == self.sessions[details.caller].name: return False place.allowed.add(user) place.touch() self._publish_place(place) self.save_later() return True def _get_places(self): return {k: v.asdict() for k, v in self.places.items()} @locked async def get_places(self, details=None): return self._get_places() def schedule_reservations(self): # The primary information is stored in the reservations and the places # only have a copy for convenience. # expire reservations for res in list(self.reservations.values()): if res.state is ReservationState.acquired: # acquired reservations do not expire res.refresh() if not res.expired: continue if res.state is not ReservationState.expired: res.state = ReservationState.expired res.allocations.clear() res.refresh() print(f'reservation ({res.owner}/{res.token}) is now {}') else: del self.reservations[res.token] print(f'removed {} reservation ({res.owner}/{res.token})') # check which places are already allocated and handle state transitions allocated_places = set() for res in self.reservations.values(): acquired_places = set() for group in list(res.allocations.values()): for name in group: place = self.places.get(name) if place is None: # the allocated place was deleted res.state = ReservationState.invalid res.allocations.clear() res.refresh(300) print(f'reservation ({res.owner}/{res.token}) is now {}') if place.acquired is not None: acquired_places.add(name) assert name not in allocated_places, "conflicting allocation" allocated_places.add(name) if acquired_places and res.state is ReservationState.allocated: # an allocated place was acquired res.state = ReservationState.acquired res.refresh() print(f'reservation ({res.owner}/{res.token}) is now {}') if not acquired_places and res.state is ReservationState.acquired: # all allocated places were released res.state = ReservationState.allocated res.refresh() print(f'reservation ({res.owner}/{res.token}) is now {}') # check which places are available for allocation available_places = set() for name, place in self.places.items(): if place.acquired is None and place.reservation is None: available_places.add(name) assert not (available_places & allocated_places), "inconsistent allocation" available_places -= allocated_places # check which reservations should be handled, ordered by priority and age pending_reservations = [] for res in sorted(self.reservations.values(), key=lambda x: (-x.prio, x.created)): if res.state is not ReservationState.waiting: continue pending_reservations.append(res) # run scheduler place_tagsets = [] for name in available_places: tags = set(self.places[name].tags.items()) # support place names tags |= {('name', name)} # support place aliases place_tagsets.append(TagSet(name, tags)) filter_tagsets = [] for res in pending_reservations: filter_tagsets.append(TagSet(res.token, set(res.filters['main'].items()))) allocation = schedule(place_tagsets, filter_tagsets) # apply allocations for res_token, place_name in allocation.items(): res = self.reservations[res_token] res.allocations = {'main': [place_name]} res.state = ReservationState.allocated res.refresh() print(f'reservation ({res.owner}/{res.token}) is now {}') # update reservation property of each place and notify old_map = {} for place in self.places.values(): old_map[] = place.reservation place.reservation = None new_map = {} for res in self.reservations.values(): if not res.allocations: continue assert len(res.allocations) == 1, "only one filter group is implemented" for group in res.allocations.values(): for name in group: assert name not in new_map, "conflicting allocation" new_map[name] = res.token place = self.places.get(name) assert place is not None, "invalid allocation" place.reservation = res.token for name in old_map.keys() | new_map.keys(): if old_map.get(name) != new_map.get(name): self._publish_place(place) @locked async def create_reservation(self, spec, prio=0.0, details=None): filter_ = {} for pair in spec.split(): try: k, v = pair.split('=') except ValueError: return None if not TAG_KEY.match(k): return None if not TAG_VAL.match(v): return None filter_[k] = v filters = {'main': filter_} # currently, only one group is implemented owner = self.sessions[details.caller].name res = Reservation(owner=owner, prio=prio, filters=filters) self.reservations[res.token] = res self.schedule_reservations() return {res.token: res.asdict()} @locked async def cancel_reservation(self, token, details=None): if not isinstance(token, str): return False if token not in self.reservations: return False del self.reservations[token] self.schedule_reservations() return True @locked async def poll_reservation(self, token, details=None): try: res = self.reservations[token] except KeyError: return None res.refresh() return res.asdict() @locked async def get_reservations(self, details=None): return {k: v.asdict() for k, v in self.reservations.items()} if __name__ == '__main__': runner = ApplicationRunner( url=environ.get("WS", u"ws://"), realm="realm1", )