Source code for labgrid.resource.ethernetport

import logging
import subprocess
from time import time
import attr

from ..factory import target_factory
from .common import ManagedResource, ResourceManager

[docs]@attr.s class SNMPSwitch: """SNMPSwitch describes a switch accessible over SNMP. This class implements functions to query ports and the forwarding database.""" hostname = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
[docs] def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger(f"{self}") self.ports = {} self.fdb = {} self.macs_by_port = {} self._autodetect()
def _autodetect(self): from pysnmp import hlapi for (errorIndication, errorStatus, _, varBindTable) in hlapi.getCmd( hlapi.SnmpEngine(), hlapi.CommunityData('public'), hlapi.UdpTransportTarget((self.hostname, 161)), hlapi.ContextData(), hlapi.ObjectType(hlapi.ObjectIdentity('SNMPv2-MIB', 'sysDescr', 0))): if errorIndication: raise Exception(f"snmp error {errorIndication}") elif errorStatus: raise Exception(f"snmp error {errorStatus}") else: sysDescr = str(varBindTable[0][1]) if sysDescr.startswith("HPE OfficeConnect Switch 1820 24G J9980A,"): self._get_fdb = self._get_fdb_dot1q elif sysDescr.startswith("HP 1810-24G,"): self._get_fdb = self._get_fdb_dot1d else: raise Exception(f"unsupported switch {sysDescr}") self.logger.debug("autodetected switch%s: %s %s", sysDescr, self._get_ports, self._get_fdb) def _get_ports(self): """Fetch ports and their values via SNMP Returns: Dict[Dict[]]: ports and their values """ from pysnmp import hlapi variables = [ (hlapi.ObjectType(hlapi.ObjectIdentity('IF-MIB', 'ifIndex')), 'index'), (hlapi.ObjectType(hlapi.ObjectIdentity('IF-MIB', 'ifDescr')), 'descr'), (hlapi.ObjectType(hlapi.ObjectIdentity('IF-MIB', 'ifSpeed')), 'speed'), (hlapi.ObjectType(hlapi.ObjectIdentity('IF-MIB', 'ifOperStatus')), 'status'), (hlapi.ObjectType(hlapi.ObjectIdentity('IF-MIB', 'ifInErrors')), 'inErrors'), (hlapi.ObjectType(hlapi.ObjectIdentity('IF-MIB', 'ifHCInOctets')), 'inOctets'), (hlapi.ObjectType(hlapi.ObjectIdentity('IF-MIB', 'ifHCOutOctets')), 'outOctets'), ] ports = {} for (errorIndication, errorStatus, _, varBindTable) in hlapi.bulkCmd( hlapi.SnmpEngine(), hlapi.CommunityData('public'), hlapi.UdpTransportTarget((self.hostname, 161)), hlapi.ContextData(), 0, 20, *[x[0] for x in variables], lexicographicMode=False): if errorIndication: raise Exception(f"snmp error {errorIndication}") elif errorStatus: raise Exception(f"snmp error {errorStatus}") else: port = {} for (_, val), (_, label) in zip(varBindTable, variables): val = val.prettyPrint() if label == 'status': val = val.strip("'") port[label] = val ports[port.pop('index')] = port return ports def _get_fdb_dot1d(self): """Fetch the forwarding database via SNMP using the BRIDGE-MIB Returns: Dict[List[str]]: ports and their values """ from pysnmp import hlapi ports = {} for (errorIndication, errorStatus, _, varBindTable) in hlapi.bulkCmd( hlapi.SnmpEngine(), hlapi.CommunityData('public'), hlapi.UdpTransportTarget((self.hostname, 161)), hlapi.ContextData(), 0, 50, hlapi.ObjectType(hlapi.ObjectIdentity('BRIDGE-MIB', 'dot1dTpFdbPort')), lexicographicMode=False): if errorIndication: raise Exception(f"snmp error {errorIndication}") elif errorStatus: raise Exception(f"snmp error {errorStatus}") else: for varBinds in varBindTable: key, val = varBinds if not val: continue mac = key.getMibSymbol()[-1][0].prettyPrint() interface = str(int(val)) ports.setdefault(interface, []).append(mac) return ports def _get_fdb_dot1q(self): """Fetch the forwarding database via SNMP using the Q-BRIDGE-MIB Returns: Dict[List[str]]: ports and their values """ from pysnmp import hlapi ports = {} for (errorIndication, errorStatus, _, varBindTable) in hlapi.bulkCmd( hlapi.SnmpEngine(), hlapi.CommunityData('public'), hlapi.UdpTransportTarget((self.hostname, 161)), hlapi.ContextData(), 0, 50, hlapi.ObjectType(hlapi.ObjectIdentity('Q-BRIDGE-MIB', 'dot1qTpFdbPort')), lexicographicMode=False): if errorIndication: raise Exception(f"snmp error {errorIndication}") elif errorStatus: raise Exception(f"snmp error {errorStatus}") else: for varBinds in varBindTable: key, val = varBinds if not val: continue mac = key.getMibSymbol()[-1][1].prettyPrint() interface = str(int(val)) ports.setdefault(interface, []).append(mac) return ports def _update_macs(self): """remember the first time we've seen a MAC on a port""" for removed in self.macs_by_port.keys() - self.ports.keys(): del self.macs_by_port[removed] for interface, macs in self.fdb.items(): seen = self.macs_by_port.setdefault(interface, {}) for removed in seen.keys() - set(macs): del seen[removed] for mac in macs: seen.setdefault(mac, int(time()))
[docs] def update(self): """Update port status and forwarding database status Returns: None """ self.logger.debug("polling switch FDB") self.fdb = self._get_fdb() self.logger.debug("polling switch ports") self.ports = self._get_ports() self.logger.debug("updating macs by port") self._update_macs()
[docs]@attr.s class EthernetPortManager(ResourceManager): """The EthernetPortManager periodically polls the switch for new updates."""
[docs] def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger(f"{self}") self.loop = None self.poll_tasks = [] self.switches = {} self.neighbors = {}
[docs] def on_resource_added(self, resource): """Handler to execute when the resource is added Checks whether the resource can be managed by this Manager and starts the event loop. Args: resource(Resource): resource to check against Returns: None """ if not isinstance(resource, SNMPEthernetPort): return self._start() resource.avail = True
def _start(self): """Internal function to register as task and attach/start the event loop Returns: None """ import asyncio if self.poll_tasks: return async def poll_neighbour(self): self.logger.debug("polling neighbor table") self.neighbors = EthernetPortManager._get_neigh() await asyncio.sleep(1.0) async def poll_switches(self): current = set(resource.switch for resource in self.resources) removed = set(self.switches) - current new = current - set(self.switches) for switch in removed: del self.switches[switch] for switch in new: self.switches[switch] = SNMPSwitch(switch) for switch in current: self.switches[switch].update() await asyncio.sleep(1.0) await asyncio.sleep(2.0) async def poll(self, handler): while True: try: await asyncio.sleep(1.0) await handler(self) except asyncio.CancelledError: break except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except import traceback traceback.print_exc() self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.poll_tasks.append(self.loop.create_task(poll(self, poll_neighbour))) self.poll_tasks.append(self.loop.create_task(poll(self, poll_switches))) @staticmethod def _get_neigh(): """Internal function to retrieve the neighbors on the test machine Returns: Dict[Tuple[(str,str,str)]]: dictionary with mac addresses as keys and a Tuple of address, device and state as values """ neighbors = {} for line in subprocess.check_output(['ip', 'neigh', 'show']).splitlines(): line = line.decode('ascii').strip().split() addr = line.pop(0) if line[0] == 'dev': line.pop(0) # "dev" line.pop(0) # actual dev if line[0] == 'lladdr': line.pop(0) lladdr = line.pop(0) else: lladdr = None if line[0] == 'router': line.pop() line.pop(0) # state assert not line # TODO: check if we could use the device and state information neighbors.setdefault(lladdr, []).append(addr) for value in neighbors.values(): value.sort() return neighbors
[docs] def poll(self): """Updates the state with new information from the event loop Returns: None """ import asyncio if not self.loop.is_running(): self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.sleep(0.0)) for resource in self.resources: switch = self.switches.get(resource.switch) if not switch: resource.extra = None continue extra = {} for mac, timestamp in switch.macs_by_port.get(resource.interface, {}).items(): extra.setdefault('macs', {})[mac] = { 'timestamp': timestamp, 'ips': self.neighbors.get(mac, []), } extra.update(switch.ports.get(resource.interface, {})) if resource.extra != extra: resource.extra = extra self.logger.debug("new information for %s: %s", resource, extra)
[docs]@target_factory.reg_resource @attr.s class SNMPEthernetPort(ManagedResource): """SNMPEthernetPort describes an ethernet port which can be queried over SNMP. Args: switch (str): hostname of the switch to query interface (str): name of the interface to query """ manager_cls = EthernetPortManager switch = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str)) interface = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
[docs] def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self.extra = {}