Source code for labgrid.driver.sshdriver

# pylint: disable=no-member
"""The SSHDriver uses SSH as a transport to implement CommandProtocol and FileTransferProtocol"""
import logging
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile

import attr

from ..factory import target_factory
from ..protocol import CommandProtocol, FileTransferProtocol
from ..resource import NetworkService
from .commandmixin import CommandMixin
from .common import Driver
from ..step import step
from .exception import ExecutionError

[docs]@target_factory.reg_driver @attr.s(cmp=False) class SSHDriver(CommandMixin, Driver, CommandProtocol, FileTransferProtocol): """SSHDriver - Driver to execute commands via SSH""" bindings = {"networkservice": NetworkService, } priorities = {CommandProtocol: 10, FileTransferProtocol: 10} keyfile = attr.ib(default="", validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str)) stderr_merge = attr.ib(default=False, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(bool))
[docs] def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger("{}({})".format(self,
[docs] def on_activate(self): self.ssh_prefix = "-o LogLevel=ERROR" self.ssh_prefix += " -i {}".format(os.path.abspath(self.keyfile) ) if self.keyfile else "" self.ssh_prefix += " -o PasswordAuthentication=no" if ( not self.networkservice.password) else "" self.control = self._check_master() self.ssh_prefix += " -F /dev/null" self.ssh_prefix += " -o ControlPath={}".format( self.control ) if self.control else ""
[docs] def on_deactivate(self): self._cleanup_own_master()
def _start_own_master(self): """Starts a controlmaster connection in a temporary directory.""" self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='labgrid-ssh-tmp-') control = os.path.join( self.tmpdir, 'control-{}'.format(self.networkservice.address) ) # use sshpass if we have a password sshpass = "sshpass -e " if self.networkservice.password else "" args = ("{}ssh -n {} -x -o ConnectTimeout=30 -o ControlPersist=300 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ServerAliveInterval=15 -MN -S {} -p {} {}@{}").format( # pylint: disable=line-too-long sshpass, self.ssh_prefix, control, self.networkservice.port, self.networkservice.username, self.networkservice.address).split(" ") env = os.environ.copy() if self.networkservice.password: env['SSHPASS'] = self.networkservice.password self.process = subprocess.Popen(args, env=env) try: if self.process.wait(timeout=30) is not 0: raise ExecutionError( "failed to connect to {} with {} and {}". format(self.networkservice.address, args, self.process.wait()) ) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: raise ExecutionError( "failed to connect to {} with {} and {}". format(self.networkservice.address, args, self.process.wait()) ) if not os.path.exists(control): raise ExecutionError( "no control socket to {}".format(self.networkservice.address) ) self.logger.debug('Connected to %s', self.networkservice.address) return control def _check_master(self): args = [ "ssh", "-O", "check", "{}@{}".format( self.networkservice.username, self.networkservice.address ) ] check = args, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL ) if check == 0: return "" return self._start_own_master()
[docs] @Driver.check_active @step(args=['cmd'], result=True) def run(self, cmd, codec="utf-8", decodeerrors="strict", timeout=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return self._run(cmd, codec=codec, decodeerrors=decodeerrors)
def _run(self, cmd, codec="utf-8", decodeerrors="strict", timeout=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Execute `cmd` on the target. This method runs the specified `cmd` as a command on its target. It uses the ssh shell command to run the command and parses the exitcode. cmd - command to be run on the target returns: (stdout, stderr, returncode) """ complete_cmd = "ssh -x {prefix} -p {port} {user}@{host} {cmd}".format( user=self.networkservice.username, host=self.networkservice.address, cmd=cmd, prefix=self.ssh_prefix, port=self.networkservice.port ).split(' ') self.logger.debug("Sending command: %s", complete_cmd) if self.stderr_merge: stderr_pipe = subprocess.STDOUT else: stderr_pipe = subprocess.PIPE try: sub = subprocess.Popen( complete_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr_pipe ) except: raise ExecutionError( "error executing command: {}".format(complete_cmd) ) stdout, stderr = sub.communicate() stdout = stdout.decode(codec, decodeerrors).split('\n') stdout.pop() if stderr is None: stderr = [] else: stderr = stderr.decode(codec, decodeerrors).split('\n') stderr.pop() return (stdout, stderr, sub.returncode)
[docs] def get_status(self): """The SSHDriver is always connected, return 1""" return 1
[docs] @Driver.check_active @step(args=['filename', 'remotepath']) def put(self, filename, remotepath=''): transfer_cmd = "scp {prefix} -P {port} {filename} {user}@{host}:{remotepath}".format( filename=filename, user=self.networkservice.username, host=self.networkservice.address, remotepath=remotepath, prefix=self.ssh_prefix, port=self.networkservice.port ).split(' ') try: sub = transfer_cmd ) #, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except: raise ExecutionError( "error executing command: {}".format(transfer_cmd) ) if sub is not 0: raise ExecutionError( "error executing command: {}".format(transfer_cmd) )
[docs] @Driver.check_active @step(args=['filename', 'destination']) def get(self, filename, destination="."): transfer_cmd = "scp {prefix} -P {port} {user}@{host}:{filename} {destination}".format( filename=filename, user=self.networkservice.username, host=self.networkservice.address, prefix=self.ssh_prefix, port=self.networkservice.port, destination=destination ).split(' ') try: sub = transfer_cmd ) #, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except: raise ExecutionError( "error executing command: {}".format(transfer_cmd) ) if sub is not 0: raise ExecutionError( "error executing command: {}".format(transfer_cmd) )
def _cleanup_own_master(self): """Exit the controlmaster and delete the tmpdir""" complete_cmd = "ssh -x -o ControlPath={cpath} -O exit -p {port} {user}@{host}".format( cpath=self.control, port=self.networkservice.port, user=self.networkservice.username, host=self.networkservice.address ).split(' ') res = complete_cmd, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL ) if res != 0:"Socket already closed") shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir)