Source code for labgrid.strategy.graphstrategy

from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import os

from .common import Strategy, StrategyError
from ..step import step

__all__ = [

[docs]class GraphStrategyError(StrategyError): pass
[docs]class InvalidGraphStrategyError(GraphStrategyError): pass
[docs]class GraphStrategyRuntimeError(GraphStrategyError): pass
[docs]class GraphStrategy(Strategy):
[docs] def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self.__transition_running = False # find states self.states = {} for state_name in dir(self): if not state_name.startswith('state_'): continue method = getattr(self, state_name) if not callable(method): raise InvalidGraphStrategyError( "GraphStrategy state '{}' is not callable".format( state_name, ) ) state_name = '_'.join(state_name.split('_')[1:]) self.states[state_name] = { 'method': step()(method), 'dependencies': getattr(method, 'dependencies', []), } if not self.states: raise InvalidGraphStrategyError( 'GraphStrategies without states are invalid') # check dependencies state_names = self.states.keys() for state_name in state_names: for dependency in self.states[state_name]['dependencies']: if dependency not in state_names: raise InvalidGraphStrategyError( "{}: State '{}' is unknown. State names are: {}".format( state_name, dependency, ', '.join(state_names), ) ) # find root state root_states = [k for k, v in self.states.items() if not v['dependencies']] if not root_states: raise InvalidGraphStrategyError( 'GraphStrategies without root state are invalid') # check check if exact one root state is defined if len(root_states) > 1: raise InvalidGraphStrategyError( 'Only one root state supported. Defined root states: {}'.format( # NOQA ', '.join([i[0] for i in root_states]), ) ) self.root_state = root_states[0] self.invalidate() # setup grahviz cache self._graph_cache = { 'tempdir': None, 'graph': None, 'path': self.path, }
[docs] def invalidate(self): self.path = [] # deactivate all drivers to restore initial state
[docs] @step(args=['state']) def transition(self, state, via=None): # for use with labgrid-client -s, if only state is set, try to extract # the via states if ':' in state and via is None: state, via = state.split(':') via = via.split(',') via = via or [] try: # check if another transition is running if self.__transition_running: raise GraphStrategyRuntimeError( 'Another transition is already running') # lock transition self.__transition_running = True # check if state is known if state not in self.states: raise GraphStrategyRuntimeError( "Unknown state '{}'. State names are: {}".format( state, ', '.join(self.states.keys()), ) ) # find path abs_path = self.find_abs_path(state, via=via) if abs_path == self.path: return [] path = self.find_rel_path(abs_path) # run state methods for state_name in path: if state_name == self.root_state: # deactivate drivers before root state method is called try: self.states[state_name]['method']() except Exception: self.invalidate() raise self.path = abs_path return path finally: # unlock transition self.__transition_running = False
[docs] def find_abs_path(self, state, via=None): via = via or [] via = via[::-1] path = [state, ] current_state = self.states[state] for via_state in via: if via_state not in self.states.keys(): raise GraphStrategyRuntimeError( "Unknown state '{}' in via. State names are: {}".format( via_state, ', '.join(self.states.keys()), ) ) while current_state['dependencies']: next_state = current_state['dependencies'][0] for i in via: if i in current_state['dependencies']: via.remove(i) next_state = i path.insert(0, next_state) current_state = self.states[next_state] # no via states should be left now if via: raise GraphStrategyRuntimeError( "Path to '{}' via {} does not exist".format( state, ', '.join(["'{}'".format(v) for v in via]) ) ) return path
[docs] def find_rel_path(self, path): if path[:-(len(path) - len(self.path))] == self.path: return path[len(self.path):] return path
@property def graph(self): from graphviz import Digraph if(self._graph_cache['graph'] and self._graph_cache['path'] == self.path): return self._graph_cache['graph'] if not self._graph_cache['tempdir']: self._graph_cache['tempdir'] = TemporaryDirectory() dg = Digraph( filename=os.path.join(self._graph_cache['tempdir'].name, 'graph'), format='png', ) edges = [] dg.attr('node', style='filled', fillcolor='lightblue2', penwidth='1') dg.attr('edge', style='solid') for index, node_name in enumerate(self.path): attrs = {} if node_name == self.path[-1]: attrs = {'penwidth': '2'} dg.node(node_name, **attrs) if index < len(self.path) - 1: edges.append((node_name, self.path[index + 1], )) dg.edge(*edges[-1]) dg.attr('node', style='filled', color='lightgrey', fillcolor='lightgrey') dg.attr('edge', style='dashed', arrowhead='empty') for node_name in self.states: if node_name not in self.path: dg.node(node_name) for edge in self.states[node_name]['dependencies']: if (edge, node_name, ) in edges: continue dg.edge(edge, node_name) self._graph_cache['graph'] = dg return dg
[docs] @classmethod def depends(cls, *dependencies): def decorator(function): function.dependencies = list(dependencies) return function return decorator