Source code for labgrid.util.yaml

from collections import OrderedDict, UserString
from string import Template

import yaml

def _dict_constructor(loader, node):
    return OrderedDict(loader.construct_pairs(node))
    yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, _dict_constructor

def _dict_representer(dumper, data):
    return dumper.represent_dict(data.items())
yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(OrderedDict, _dict_representer)

def _str_constructor(loader, node):
    # store location of multiline string
    if != '|':
        return loader.construct_scalar(node)
    obj = UserString(loader.construct_scalar(node))
    obj.start_mark = node.start_mark
    obj.end_mark = node.end_mark
    return obj
    yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_SCALAR_TAG, _str_constructor

def _template_constructor(loader, node):
    return Template(loader.construct_scalar(node))
    '!template', _template_constructor

# use SafeLoader
loader = yaml.SafeLoader
dumper = yaml.SafeDumper

[docs]def load(stream): return yaml.load(stream, Loader=loader)
[docs]def dump(data, stream=None): return yaml.dump(data, stream, Dumper=dumper, default_flow_style=False)
[docs]def resolve_templates(data, mapping): """ Iterate recursively over data and call substitute(mapping) on all Templates. """ if isinstance(data, list): items = enumerate(data) elif isinstance(data, dict): items = data.items() for k, v in items: if isinstance(v, Template): try: data[k] = v.substitute(mapping) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( "Invalid template string '{}'".format(v.template) ) from e elif isinstance(v, (list, dict)): resolve_templates(v, mapping)