import attr
from ..factory import target_factory
from ..util import gen_marker
from ..step import step
from .common import Driver
from .ubootdriver import UBootDriver
from ..util import re_vt100
class SmallUBootDriver(UBootDriver):
SmallUBootDriver is meant as a driver for UBoot with only little
functionality compared to standard a standard UBoot.
Especially is copes with the following limitations:
- The UBoot does not have a real password-prompt but can be activated by
entering a "secret" after a message was displayed.
- The command line is does not have a build-in echo command. Thus this
driver uses 'Unknown Command' messages as marker before and after the
output of a command.
- Since there is no echo we can not return the exit code of the command.
Commands will always return 0 unless the command was not found.
This driver needs the following features activated in UBoot to work:
- The UBoot must not have real password prompt. Instead it must be
keyword activated.
For example it should be activated by a dialog like the following:
UBoot: "Autobooting in 1s..."
Labgrid: "secret"
UBoot: <switching to console>
- The UBoot must be able to parse multiple commands in a single
line separated by ";".
- The UBoot must support the "bootm" command to boot from a
memory location.
This driver was created especially for the following devices:
- TP-Link WR841 v11
boot_secret (str): optional, secret used to unlock prompt
boot_secret_nolf (bool): optional, send boot_secret without new line
login_timeout (int): optional, timeout for login prompt detection,
boot_expression = attr.ib(default=r"U-Boot 20\d+", validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
boot_secret = attr.ib(default="a", validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
boot_secret_nolf = attr.ib(default=False, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(bool))
login_timeout = attr.ib(default=60, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(int))
def _await_prompt(self):
Await autoboot_expression. If this line was read enter the 'secret' (or a
single character) to interrupt normal boot.
# wait for boot expression. Afterwards enter secret
self.console.expect(self.boot_expression, timeout=self.login_timeout)
if self.boot_secret_nolf:
self._status = 1
# wait until UBoot has reached it's prompt
for command in self.init_commands:
def _run(self, cmd: str, *, timeout: int = 30, codec: str = "utf-8", decodeerrors: str = "strict"): # pylint: disable=line-too-long
If Uboot is in Command-Line mode: Run command cmd and return it's
cmd - Command to run
# TODO: use codec, decodeerrors
# Check if Uboot is in command line mode
if self._status != 1:
return None
marker = gen_marker()
# Create multi-part command like we would do for a normal uboot.
# but since this simple uboot does not have an echo-command we will
# handle it's error message as an echo-output.
# additionally we are not able to get the command's return code and
# will always return 0.
cmp_command = f"echo{marker}; {cmd}; echo{marker}"
_, before, _, _ = self.console.expect(self.prompt, timeout=timeout)
data = re_vt100.sub(
'', before.decode('utf-8'), count=1000000
).replace("\r", "").split("\n")
data = data[1:]
data = data[data.index(f"Unknown command 'echo{marker}' - try 'help'") +1 :]
data = data[:data.index(f"Unknown command 'echo{marker}' - try 'help'")]
if len(data) >= 1:
if data[0].startswith("Unknown command '"):
return (data, [], 1)
return (data, [], 0)
@step(args=['name'], result=True)
def boot(self, name):
Boot the device from the given memory location using 'bootm'.
name (str): address to boot
self.console.sendline(f"bootm {name}")