Source code for labgrid.driver.sshdriver

"""The SSHDriver uses SSH as a transport to implement CommandProtocol and FileTransferProtocol"""
import contextlib
import os
import re
import stat
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
from functools import cached_property

import attr

from ..factory import target_factory
from ..protocol import CommandProtocol, FileTransferProtocol
from .commandmixin import CommandMixin
from .common import Driver
from ..step import step
from .exception import ExecutionError
from ..util.helper import get_free_port
from ..util.proxy import proxymanager
from ..util.timeout import Timeout
from ..util.ssh import get_ssh_connect_timeout

[docs] @target_factory.reg_driver @attr.s(eq=False) class SSHDriver(CommandMixin, Driver, CommandProtocol, FileTransferProtocol): """SSHDriver - Driver to execute commands via SSH""" bindings = {"networkservice": "NetworkService", } priorities = {CommandProtocol: 10, FileTransferProtocol: 10} keyfile = attr.ib(default="", validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str)) stderr_merge = attr.ib(default=False, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(bool)) connection_timeout = attr.ib(default=float(get_ssh_connect_timeout()), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(float)) explicit_sftp_mode = attr.ib(default=False, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(bool)) explicit_scp_mode = attr.ib(default=False, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(bool)) username = attr.ib(default="", validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str)) password = attr.ib(default="", validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
[docs] def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self._keepalive = None
def _get_username(self): """Get the username from this class or from NetworkService""" return self.username or self.networkservice.username def _get_password(self): """Get the password from this class or from NetworkService""" return self.password or self.networkservice.password
[docs] def on_activate(self): self.ssh_prefix = ["-o", "LogLevel=ERROR"] if self.keyfile: keyfile_path = self.keyfile if keyfile_path = self.ssh_prefix += ["-i", keyfile_path ] if not self._get_password(): self.ssh_prefix += ["-o", "PasswordAuthentication=no"] self.control = self._start_own_master() self.ssh_prefix += ["-F", "none"] if self.control: self.ssh_prefix += ["-o", f"ControlPath={self.control.replace('%', '%%')}"] self._keepalive = None self._start_keepalive()
[docs] def on_deactivate(self): try: self._stop_keepalive() finally: self._cleanup_own_master()
@property def skip_deactivate_on_export(self): # We need to keep the connection to the target open. return True def _start_own_master(self): """Starts a controlmaster connection in a temporary directory.""" timeout = Timeout(self.connection_timeout) # Retry start of controlmaster, to allow handle failures such as # connection refused during target startup connect_timeout = round(timeout.remaining) while True: if connect_timeout == 0: raise Exception("Timeout while waiting for ssh connection") try: return self._start_own_master_once(connect_timeout) except ExecutionError as e: if timeout.expired: raise e time.sleep(0.5) connect_timeout = round(timeout.remaining) def _start_own_master_once(self, timeout): self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='lg-ssh-') control = os.path.join( self.tmpdir, f'control-{self.networkservice.address}' ) args = ["ssh", "-f", *self.ssh_prefix, "-x", "-o", f"ConnectTimeout={timeout}", "-o", "ControlPersist=300", "-o", "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-o", "ServerAliveInterval=15", "-MN", "-S", control.replace('%', '%%'), "-p", str(self.networkservice.port), "-l", self._get_username(), self.networkservice.address] # proxy via the exporter if we have an ifname suffix address = self.networkservice.address if address.count('%') > 1: raise ValueError(f"Multiple '%' found in '{address}'.") if '%' in address: address, ifname = address.split('%', 1) else: ifname = None proxy_cmd = proxymanager.get_command(self.networkservice, address, self.networkservice.port, ifname) if proxy_cmd: # only proxy if needed args += [ "-o", f"ProxyCommand={' '.join(proxy_cmd)} 2>{self.tmpdir}/proxy-stderr" ] env = os.environ.copy() pass_file = '' if self._get_password(): fd, pass_file = tempfile.mkstemp() os.fchmod(fd, stat.S_IRWXU) #with openssh>=8.4 SSH_ASKPASS_REQUIRE can be used to force SSH_ASK_PASS #openssh<8.4 requires the DISPLAY var and a detached process with start_new_session=True env = {'SSH_ASKPASS': pass_file, 'DISPLAY':'', 'SSH_ASKPASS_REQUIRE':'force'} with open(fd, 'w') as f: f.write("#!/bin/sh\necho " + shlex.quote(self._get_password())) self.process = subprocess.Popen(args, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, start_new_session=True) try: subprocess_timeout = timeout + 5 return_value = self.process.wait(timeout=subprocess_timeout) if return_value != 0: stdout, _ = self.process.communicate(timeout=subprocess_timeout) stdout = stdout.split(b"\n") for line in stdout: self.logger.warning("ssh: %s", line.rstrip().decode(encoding="utf-8", errors="replace")) try: with open(f'{self.tmpdir}/proxy-stderr') as proxy_err_fd: proxy_error = if proxy_error: raise ExecutionError( f"Failed to connect to {self.networkservice.address} with {' '.join(args)}: error from SSH ProxyCommand: {proxy_error}", # pylint: disable=line-too-long stdout=stdout, ) except FileNotFoundError: pass raise ExecutionError( f"Failed to connect to {self.networkservice.address} with {' '.join(args)}: return code {return_value}", # pylint: disable=line-too-long stdout=stdout, ) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: raise ExecutionError( f"Subprocess timed out [{subprocess_timeout}s] while executing {args}", ) finally: if self._get_password() and os.path.exists(pass_file): os.remove(pass_file) if not os.path.exists(control): raise ExecutionError( f"no control socket to {self.networkservice.address}" )'Connected to %s', self.networkservice.address) return control
[docs] @Driver.check_active @step(args=['cmd'], result=True) def run(self, cmd, codec="utf-8", decodeerrors="strict", timeout=None): return self._run(cmd, codec=codec, decodeerrors=decodeerrors, timeout=timeout)
def _run(self, cmd, codec="utf-8", decodeerrors="strict", timeout=None): """Execute `cmd` on the target. This method runs the specified `cmd` as a command on its target. It uses the ssh shell command to run the command and parses the exitcode. cmd - command to be run on the target returns: (stdout, stderr, returncode) """ if not self._check_keepalive(): raise ExecutionError("Keepalive no longer running") complete_cmd = ["ssh", "-x", *self.ssh_prefix, "-p", str(self.networkservice.port), "-l", self._get_username(), self.networkservice.address ] + cmd.split(" ") self.logger.debug("Sending command: %s", complete_cmd) if self.stderr_merge: stderr_pipe = subprocess.STDOUT else: stderr_pipe = subprocess.PIPE try: sub = subprocess.Popen( complete_cmd, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr_pipe ) except: raise ExecutionError( f"error executing command: {complete_cmd}" ) stdout, stderr = sub.communicate(timeout=timeout) stdout = stdout.decode(codec, decodeerrors).split('\n') if stdout[-1] == '': stdout.pop() if stderr is None: stderr = [] else: stderr = stderr.decode(codec, decodeerrors).split('\n') stderr.pop() return (stdout, stderr, sub.returncode)
[docs] def interact(self, cmd=None): assert cmd is None or isinstance(cmd, list) if not self._check_keepalive(): raise ExecutionError("Keepalive no longer running") complete_cmd = ["ssh", "-x", *self.ssh_prefix, "-t", self.networkservice.address ] if cmd: complete_cmd += ["--", *cmd] self.logger.debug("Running command: %s", complete_cmd) sub = subprocess.Popen( complete_cmd, ) return sub.wait()
@contextlib.contextmanager def _forward(self, forward): cmd = ["ssh", *self.ssh_prefix, "-O", "forward", forward, self.networkservice.address ] self.logger.debug("Running command: %s", cmd), check=True) try: yield finally: cmd = ["ssh", *self.ssh_prefix, "-O", "cancel", forward, self.networkservice.address ] self.logger.debug("Running command: %s", cmd) # Master socket may have been cleaned up already, so don't bother # the user with an error message, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
[docs] @Driver.check_active @contextlib.contextmanager def forward_local_port(self, remoteport, localport=None): """Forward a local port to a remote port on the target A context manager that keeps a local port forwarded to a remote port as long as the context remains valid. A connection can be made to the returned port on localhost and it will be forwarded to the remote port on the target device usage: with ssh.forward_local_port(8080) as localport: # Use localhost:localport here to connect to port 8080 on the # target returns: localport """ if not self._check_keepalive(): raise ExecutionError("Keepalive no longer running") if localport is None: localport = get_free_port() forward = f"-L{localport:d}:localhost:{remoteport:d}" with self._forward(forward): yield localport
[docs] @Driver.check_active @contextlib.contextmanager def forward_remote_port(self, remoteport, localport): """Forward a remote port on the target to a local port A context manager that keeps a remote port forwarded to a local port as long as the context remains valid. A connection can be made to the remote on the target device will be forwarded to the returned local port on localhost usage: with ssh.forward_remote_port(8080, 8081) as localport: # Connections to port 8080 on the target will be redirected to # localhost:8081 """ if not self._check_keepalive(): raise ExecutionError("Keepalive no longer running") forward = f"-R{remoteport:d}:localhost:{localport:d}" with self._forward(forward): yield
[docs] @Driver.check_active @contextlib.contextmanager def forward_unix_socket(self, unixsocket, localport=None): """Forward a unix socket on the target to a local port A context manager that keeps a unix socket forwarded to a local port as long as the context remains valid. A connection can be made to the remote socket on the target device will be forwarded to the returned local port on localhost usage: with ssh.forward_unix_socket("/run/docker.sock") as localport: # Use localhost:localport here to connect to the socket on the # target returns: localport """ if not self._check_keepalive(): raise ExecutionError("Keepalive no longer running") if localport is None: localport = get_free_port() forward = f"-L{localport:d}:{unixsocket:s}" with self._forward(forward): yield localport
[docs] @Driver.check_active @step(args=['src', 'dst']) def scp(self, *, src, dst): if not self._check_keepalive(): raise ExecutionError("Keepalive no longer running") if src.startswith(':') == dst.startswith(':'): raise ValueError("Either source or destination must be remote (start with :)") if src.startswith(':'): src = '_' + src if dst.startswith(':'): dst = '_' + dst complete_cmd = ["scp", "-F", "none", "-o", f"ControlPath={self.control.replace('%', '%%')}", src, dst, ] if self.explicit_sftp_mode and self._scp_supports_explicit_sftp_mode(): complete_cmd.insert(1, "-s") if self.explicit_scp_mode and self._scp_supports_explicit_scp_mode(): complete_cmd.insert(1, "-O")"Running command: %s", complete_cmd) sub = subprocess.Popen( complete_cmd, ) return sub.wait()
[docs] @Driver.check_active @step(args=['src', 'dst', 'extra']) def rsync(self, *, src, dst, extra=[]): if not self._check_keepalive(): raise ExecutionError("Keepalive no longer running") if src.startswith(':') == dst.startswith(':'): raise ValueError("Either source or destination must be remote (start with :)") if src.startswith(':'): src = '_' + src if dst.startswith(':'): dst = '_' + dst ssh_cmd = ["ssh", "-F", "none", "-o", f"ControlPath={self.control.replace('%', '%%')}", ] complete_cmd = ["rsync", "-v", f"--rsh={' '.join(ssh_cmd)}", "-rlpt", # --recursive --links --perms --times "--one-file-system", "--progress", *extra, src, dst, ]"Running command: %s", complete_cmd) sub = subprocess.Popen( complete_cmd, ) return sub.wait()
[docs] @Driver.check_active @step(args=['path', 'mountpoint']) def sshfs(self, *, path, mountpoint): if not self._check_keepalive(): raise ExecutionError("Keepalive no longer running") complete_cmd = ["sshfs", "-F", "none", "-f", "-o", f"ControlPath={self.control.replace('%', '%%')}", f":{path}", mountpoint, ] self.logger.debug("Running command: %s", complete_cmd) sub = subprocess.Popen( complete_cmd, ) try: sub.wait(1) raise ExecutionError( f"error executing command: {complete_cmd}" ) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # still running"Started SSHFS on %s. Press CTRL-C to stop.", mountpoint) sub.wait()
[docs] def get_status(self): """The SSHDriver is always connected, return 1""" return 1
@cached_property def _ssh_version(self): version =["ssh", "-V"], capture_output=True, text=True) version = re.match(r"^OpenSSH_(\d+)\.(\d+)", version.stderr) return tuple(int(x) for x in version.groups()) def _scp_supports_explicit_sftp_mode(self): major, minor = self._ssh_version # OpenSSH >= 8.6 supports explicitly using the SFTP protocol via -s if major == 8 and minor >= 6: return True # OpenSSH >= 9.0 default to the SFTP protocol if major >= 9: return False raise Exception(f"OpenSSH version {major}.{minor} does not support explicit SFTP mode") def _scp_supports_explicit_scp_mode(self): major, minor = self._ssh_version # OpenSSH >= 9.0 default to the SFTP protocol if major >= 9: return True raise Exception(f"OpenSSH version {major}.{minor} does not support explicit SCP mode")
[docs] @Driver.check_active @step(args=['filename', 'remotepath']) def put(self, filename, remotepath=''): transfer_cmd = [ "scp", *self.ssh_prefix, "-P", str(self.networkservice.port), "-r", filename, f"{self._get_username()}@{self.networkservice.address}:{remotepath}" ] if self.explicit_sftp_mode and self._scp_supports_explicit_sftp_mode(): transfer_cmd.insert(1, "-s") if self.explicit_scp_mode and self._scp_supports_explicit_scp_mode(): transfer_cmd.insert(1, "-O") try: sub = transfer_cmd ) #, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except: raise ExecutionError( f"error executing command: {transfer_cmd}" ) if sub != 0: raise ExecutionError( f"error executing command: {transfer_cmd}" )
[docs] @Driver.check_active @step(args=['filename', 'destination']) def get(self, filename, destination="."): transfer_cmd = [ "scp", *self.ssh_prefix, "-P", str(self.networkservice.port), "-r", f"{self._get_username()}@{self.networkservice.address}:{filename}", destination ] if self.explicit_sftp_mode and self._scp_supports_explicit_sftp_mode(): transfer_cmd.insert(1, "-s") if self.explicit_scp_mode and self._scp_supports_explicit_scp_mode(): transfer_cmd.insert(1, "-O") try: sub = transfer_cmd ) #, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except: raise ExecutionError( f"error executing command: {transfer_cmd}" ) if sub != 0: raise ExecutionError( f"error executing command: {transfer_cmd}" )
def _cleanup_own_master(self): """Exit the controlmaster and delete the tmpdir""" complete_cmd = f"ssh -x -o ControlPath={self.control.replace('%', '%%')} -O exit -p {self.networkservice.port} -l {self._get_username()} {self.networkservice.address}".split(' ') # pylint: disable=line-too-long res = complete_cmd, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL ) if res != 0:"Socket already closed") self.process.communicate() shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir, ignore_errors=True) def _start_keepalive(self): """Starts a keepalive connection via the own or external master.""" args = ["ssh", *self.ssh_prefix, self.networkservice.address, "cat"] assert self._keepalive is None self._keepalive = subprocess.Popen( args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, encoding="utf-8", ) self.logger.debug('Started keepalive for %s', self.networkservice.address) def _check_keepalive(self): return self._keepalive.poll() is None def _stop_keepalive(self): assert self._keepalive is not None self.logger.debug('Stopping keepalive for %s', self.networkservice.address) stdout = None try: stdout, _ = self._keepalive.communicate(timeout=60) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: self._keepalive.kill() try: # Try again to get output stdout, _ = self._keepalive.communicate(timeout=60) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: self.logger.warning("ssh keepalive for %s timed out during termination", self.networkservice.address) finally: self._keepalive = None if stdout: for line in stdout.splitlines(): self.logger.warning("Keepalive %s: %s", self.networkservice.address, line)